March 12, 2013

Week 3: Manuals & Warranties

Creating a binder that houses your manuals and warranties may not seem like a task that is absolutely necessary for an organized home. But, you would be surprised how much you might need that junk drawer you've secretly been stashing them in. I've gathered up a few steps and ideas to help you out. You will need a 3 inch binder, sheet protectors and dividers.

  1. Sort through all of the manuals and warranties and get rid of the one's you no longer own.
  2. Put the remainder into categories... Appliances, Electronics, Children's Toys, Furniture, Etc.
  3. Slip the Manuals in to a sheet protector with the matching warranty.
  4. If you have receipts for any of these items, staple them to the manual.
  5. Place the manual behind the appropriate divider in the binder.
Voila... Easy-peasy. If you want to take this a step further, you can print out a list of your items and the warranty expiration date and put it in the front of the binder. This is a small task and is something that doesn't take up that much of your time. If you do one small project a day, you will have your entire house organized in no time!


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