February 22, 2013

Week 1: Let Go

One of the hardest parts of getting organized is having to just let something go. Well, I'm here to tell you that it's okay.

It's okay to let go of:
  • The things that we think we ought to have; Such as that crock pot or toaster oven that takes up an entire shelf in your kitchen that you've only used once since you got it 5 years ago. It's okay that you don't use it, but get rid of it. All it's doing is collecting dust and taking up space.
  • Expensive Items. This is always the hardest for me. Getting rid of something I spent a lot of money on but don't use. A prom dress you bought when you were a size 10 is not something you need hanging out in your closet when you have been a size 2 for years now. Newsflash: You're not going to need that prom dress.... and it's already out of style.
  • Things you think you may need one day. A fur coat in Texas. Unless you make frequent trips to the Northeast in the winter for formal events, there is no need to keep this large item in your coat closet. It's just taking up space.
  • Things you are saving for your kids. This is my mom all over (sorry mom). Saving every piece of artwork and every test that your child brings home is crazy. They aren't going to want a paper they wrote about a bird in the 3rd grade to hand down to their own kids. Pick a few key pieces out and trash the rest.
  • Gifts. Just because someone gives you something, doesn't mean you have to like it (or keep it). If it's not something that you are actually going to use, take it back to the store & exchange it, re-gift it, or get rid of it.
I know that I may sound harsh when I tell you to pretty much get rid of everything you own (since i'm sure that's exactly what it feels like), but I'm just being honest. If you continue to keep everything that comes into your home without getting rid of something else, you will end up on a reality tv show about hoarding. 

Letting go of things is hard, I get it. But, if you don't let go of old, unused things, how will you have enough room for the new?

"Never love anything that can't love you back."


Anonymous said...

Love this! It's soooo true!!!

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