February 21, 2013

Week 1: Clutter


The one word that defines all of that extra "stuff" you have lying around your house. It's stacked on tables, shoved in closets, and packed in boxes in your garage. All of those cernaic cats on your bookshelf, what purpose do they serve other than collecting dust?

Clutter is all the stuff that keeps our homes from being what we need them to be.

As the days pass, I want you to keep in mind that one of the main goals for getting your house organized is to get rid of as much clutter as possible. A good quote to envision as you are going through your house and clearing your clutter is by William Morris.

"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."

With that in mind, I want you to picture what you want your home to be. If you have to, get out a pen and paper and write a motto for your home. Maybe you want your home to be your Haven or Sanctuary. Your home does not become these things by just uncluttering; but by ridding your house of clutter, you open a door (or window) for that to shine through.

"Clutter is the meaningless getting in the way of the meaningful."


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