February 25, 2013

Week 2: A Place for Everything

"A place for everything, & everything in its place."

One of the biggest issues that I run across are finding a place for everything. If everything in your house has a designated spot to "live" then you will not have a problem organizing.

If you were to stand in the middle of the living room and do a complete 360 degree circle, looking at every aspect of that room.... What do you see? Is everything in its place? Or, do you have items that are constantly stacked on your desk and coffee table. If the latter it the case, then it's very likely that those items do not have a designated place to belong to in your home.

What first comes to mind when picturing my home and an item not having a place is the living room remote controls. Before my remotes had a place, they would always end up on the couch arm rests, jammed down in the couch, or on the kitchen counter top (away from button happy toddlers). I finally got tired of constantly searching for the remote and it getting in the way of food splatters in the kitchen, so I created a spot for them. The remotes are still located in the kitchen. They are now placed in a pencil holder that is hung on the wall right as you leave the living room and enter the kitchen. I know this is not everyone else's ideal place to put TV remotes, but it's what worked for me.

Choose to put your items in places that work for you. Your shoes don't necessarily have to go in your closet. If you have a mud room that you would rather put them in, then go for it! Brush your teeth in the shower?! (ugh,men....) Then hang a toothbrush holder in your shower. It's YOUR HOUSE people! The whole point of being organized is to simplify. If you are constantly putting things where other people want you to, you'll never remember where they are and will spend most of your time searching.

Where are you storing the:
  • TV Remotes
  • Dog's Collar
  • Camera Charger
  • Mail
Every single thing in your home needs a spot. What still needs a spot in your home? What is an area that you struggle with?


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